Wednesday's Leadership thought- people follow leaders who are respectable
Feb. 26, 2020
The definition of
leadership “a process of influence.
Anytime you seek to influence the thinking, behavior, or development of
people toward accomplishing a goal in their personal or professional lives, you
are taking the role of a leader. – Ken Blanchard pg.5
Matthew 23:6- 6 They love
the place of honor at banquets, the front seats in the synagogues, 7 greetings
in the marketplaces, and to be called ‘Rabbi’ by people.
“The best use of
power is not to have to use it at all. People
follow great leaders because they respect them, not because they have
power.” Ken Blanchard- pg. 67
This passage of Scripture is so
powerful. Jesus is paying respect to the
Pharisees and saying listen to what they say.
However, Jesus says don’t do what they do because they don’t practice
what they teach (vs. 2-3). What a compliment
and criticism of their leadership. The Pharisees
knew what they were to do. They even said
it well. However, what they believed or
said, was not making an impact on their lives.
They were not living it out. The
Pharisees had a leadership blockage between their heads (knowledge) and their
hands (action).
We then focus on the verses above in
red. The Pharisees like to be in charge. They liked the respect and the honor that was
bestowed on them because they were “in charge.”
They liked to be the ones that everyone saw. They liked the titles and “worldly” respect that
was given to them. They were in the places
of leadership for all the wrong reasons.
They wanted the praise of men, the honor and glory from people. They were not in leadership to help draw
people into a closer relationship with Christ.
I love this quote by Blanchard- people
will follow great leaders because of the respect. How do you gain the respect of people- you
treat them well. You don’t exercise
power over them, you use the influence you have to serve them, to encourage them,
to equip them.
As leaders in the church, we have the
awesome position, and influence of helping people grow in their relationship
with Christ. This can be through a new
relationship (salvation) or through a rededication (discipleship). Either way is such a humbling way of making
an eternal difference. When we lead,
lets not lead with power, but with humility, making sure that we are pointing
people to Christ and the cross!
Questions for my
#1- Am I seeking a seat of honor and
public praise for my leadership?
Do I seek to serve others as Jesus did or am I following the world’s
standard of leadership?
How would my leadership change if I followed the example of Jesus to serve
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