Tom's Wednesday Leadership Thought- Where is our leadership pointing? Feb. 5, 2020
Feb. 5, 2020
The definition of
leadership “a process of influence.
Anytime you seek to influence the thinking, behavior, or development of
people toward accomplishing a goal in their personal or professional lives, you
are taking the role of a leader. – Ken Blanchard pg.5
John 3:30- He (Jesus) must increase, I must decrease.
As I reflect upon this definition of
leadership, there is a tendency to try to point people to myself. To try to make my name great, to make it all
about me. As I reflect upon John the
Baptist who said this in the book of John, John was not looking to make his
name bigger but the name and person of Jesus Christ.
There are many examples today of top
CEO’s and “leadership gurus” who have all the great leadership advice. Some of it offers great insight and can help
you with processes, steps, communication, and personal interaction. However, when we work in the church ministry,
our goal should be to make much of Jesus Christ. When we make it about us, we are building our
kingdom and not the Kingdom of Christ.
We need to check our egos at the door.
Ken Blanchard writes it this way: “Whenever
we become the leader and try to make God the servant, things don’t work
out. Why? Because of EGO gets in the way, and we Edge
God out! If you want your life to be
significant, then you have to recognize that it’s all about God, not about
you.” - Lead Like Jesus- Ken
Blanchard pg. 47.
So as we reflect upon our leadership
in the church, a few questions to ask ourselves:
Is my leadership pointing people to Christ?
#2- Am I trying to make my name great
or make Jesus’ name great?
#3- How would my leadership be
different if I lived with His Kingdom mindset and not an earthly mindset?
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