Wednesday's Leadership Thought- who's kingdom am I building?

Feb. 12, 2020

The definition of leadership “a process of influence.  Anytime you seek to influence the thinking, behavior, or development of people toward accomplishing a goal in their personal or professional lives, you are taking the role of a leader. – Ken Blanchard pg.5

Matthew 6:10- Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

“Self-important leaders fill the air with I, my, and me statements.  They are highly sensitive to any criticism or any effort to wrench the spotlight and microphone from their hands.”  Ken Blanchard- pg. 48

When we are in leadership, people look to us to set the pace, the example, and have the “vision” for the company, organization, or church.  As church leaders, people elevate us to a higher pedestal.  They look to us for cues and fire criticism toward us.  When things are going well, we are quick to want the spotlight. Sometimes our egos get in the way and we begin to think the church or organization revolves around us. There can be a “ego trip” when the church waits for decision or waits for us to answer questions. 
There can be ego coming into our decision or in making sure the church prospers to make a great name for the leader or leaders.   This week’s verse is a great reminder of each of us as we exercise our area of leadership influence to make sure that we are building God’s Kingdom- by God’s standards. 
When Jesus came, He came to bring glory to His father.  Jesus came in submission, which is preferring another, to the Father’s will.  As I am reading through Matthew 26-27- I was reminded of the trial, flogging, and crucifixion of Jesus.  I am sure that Jesus did not want that to happen, remember His prayer in the Garden?  However, Jesus lived, modeled, and showed how a true, godly leader is to lead.  With a kingdom mindset where God gets the glory and not the human leader.

A few questions:
#1- Has my leadership influence been filled with words of I, my, mine, or me statements?
#2- In my area of influence- how have I been making sure God gets the glory?
#3- What is one practical way that I can make sure I advance God’s kingdom though my interactions this week?


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