Wednesday's Leadership Though for Mar. 25th- What do I value most?
Mar. 25, 2020
The definition of
leadership “a process of influence.
Anytime you seek to influence the thinking, behavior, or development of
people toward accomplishing a goal in their personal or professional lives, you
are taking the role of a leader. – Ken Blanchard pg.5
Matthew 22:36-39
36 “Teacher, which
command in the law is the greatest?” 37 He said to
him, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and
with all your mind. 38 This is the greatest and most important command. 39 The
second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.
“Most companies
that have stated values either have too many values or do not have rank ordered
values. Research shows that if you
really want to impact behavior, you can’ emphasize more than three or four
values, because people can’t focus on more than those.” Blanchard- 90
Why is leadership so complicated? Is it because we have made it to
complicated? Have we tried to “steal”
other ideas from churches or companies and have tried to be a company or church
that we are naturally not? We see
another church succeeding and we try to mimic what they are doing. We are not true to ourselves and what God has
gifted us at doing.
As we come back to the words of Jesus
(in red)- Jesus was asked what is the greatest commandment. He was asked this because they were trying to
trip Jesus and get him to incriminate himself.
However, Jesus navigates the trick question and is able to speak truth
to us. We are to first love God with all
we are. We are to not give just 25% or
64% but love Him with 100%. Our
relationship with Christ is not something that we do, but it should be who we
are. Secondly, after we love God- we
are to show love and compassion to our neighbor. We cannot love someone fully unless we have
received the full love of God. After we
have received that full love, we are then able to pour into others to love
In leadership we get sidetracked by
loving people first. Let me be clear,
people are so important in church life… without them there would be no
church. However, we should not be loving
them at the expense of love God first and wholeheartedly.
I am trying to simplify leadership-
make it easier and clearer. In our
leadership- let’s make sure our relationship with God is solid and we love
him. Secondly, out of the love we have
received from God- lets pass that to another person or two.
Questions for my
1. Am I taking time to deepen my relationship
with God before I lead?
2. Am I taking the time to focus on a few
individuals and love on them?
3. How could my leadership be strengthened if I
love God first and then focused on people secondly?
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