Leadership Thought for Wed. 4/15- Clear Communication

April 15, 2020 The definition of leadership “a process of influence. Anytime you seek to influence the thinking, behavior, or development of people toward accomplishing a goal in their personal or professional lives, you are taking the role of a leader. – Ken Blanchard pg.5 Matthew 4:19- “Follow me,” he told them, “and I will make you fish for people “If there is not clear communication of what a good job will look like when it is accomplished, somebody will end up frustrated-either the leader or the follower or both.” Blanchard 123 I wish I could lead like Jesus. To know the beginning from the end. To never make mistakes, to never have a second guess about the direction. To always be able to lead with confidence and not have questions myself. I wish I could teach like Jesus and be able to truly minister to others like Jesus did. I cannot but I c...