Wed. May 13, 2020- Retreating to Advance

May 13, 2020
The definition of leadership “a process of influence.  Anytime you seek to influence the thinking, behavior, or development of people toward accomplishing a goal in their personal or professional lives, you are taking the role of a leader”. – Ken Blanchard pg.5- Lead Like Jesus-

 Matthew 14:23- And when He (Jesus) had sent the multitudes away, He (Jesus) went up on the mountain by Himself to pray. Now when evening came, He was alone there.

“Jesus modeled for us the value of spending time alone to see recalibration of our spiritual instruments for finding the ‘true north’ of God’s will and pleasure.” Blanchard 156

If you look at our definition of leadership, it is influence.  To influence people, you need to be around people.  Often times, if you are around people, you don’t take time to reflect and learn.  If you are an extrovert, you love people, you are energized by people.  However, the downfall of an extrovert is that you can forget to spend time alone for reflection and learning.
The context of Jesus and the multitudes.  Jesus has just fed 5,000 men (Matt. 14:21).  Some scholars estimate that it could have been 15,000 people.  Sit and allow your mind to think and wonder about that for a moment, 15,000 people.  Think about all the possible conversations, the opportunities for ministry, for networking, for sharing the Gospel and follow-up.   Look at what Jesus did… He sent the multitude away.  Jesus fed them, He taught them, and then He sent them on their way home.
After a day of ministry with people, Jesus went away by Himself.  Jesus didn’t jump to the next ministry.  He did not try to catch up with the disciples who were out in the boat (Matt. 14:22).  Jesus went by Himself up to the mountain to pray.  Jesus knew the importance of being with people, of ministry, of leadership.  However, Jesus also knew the importance of being alone, recharging in communication (prayer) with His Father in Heaven.
Ask yourself:  When was the last time I slowed down and spend time with God in prayer?

Jesus was not so busy about the ministry that He forgot the ministry within Himself.  Now, let me pause and have a conversation with myself.  This is Jesus- He knows what to do.  Jesus is perfect.  He always gets it right.  He’s the Son of God- our Perfect Sacrifice.  I know that, but I see a great example Jesus gave us.  Don’t get so busy leading others, you forget to lead yourself to time with God.
Ask yourself:  Am I so busy leading, that I am not leading myself to a closer relationship with God?

Jesus drew closer to the Lord because He went alone.  Leadership is about people.  As a leader, you should desire to be around people.  However, as a leader, you also need to make sure you recharge your batteries by spending time alone.  Spending time alone with God is a great way to keep your eye on the prize.  When in leadership, there is a tendency to rely upon your own strength and wisdom.  When you take time to get away with God for prayer and quiet time, it has a way of keeping you humble, as well as recharged.  Jesus spent time with His Father to continue the intimate relationship between Father and Son.  Jesus was able to get away, share concerns with His Father.  In our human leadership, we don’t want to have people follow us, we want people to follow Jesus (1 Cor. 11:1).
Ask yourself:  Do I desire people to follow me or follow Christ?  How does my leadership style and practice support or contradict my answer to the first part of this question?

Ask yourself:  What is one way this week that I can slow down and spend some quality time with God in prayer and Bible reading this week?


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