
Showing posts from February, 2020

Wednesday's Leadership thought- people follow leaders who are respectable

Feb. 26, 2020 The definition of leadership “a process of influence.   Anytime you seek to influence the thinking, behavior, or development of people toward accomplishing a goal in their personal or professional lives, you are taking the role of a leader. – Ken Blanchard pg.5 Matthew 23:6- 6  They love the place of honor at banquets, the front seats in the synagogues,   7  greetings in the marketplaces, and to be called ‘Rabbi’ by people. “The best use of power is not to have to use it at all.   People follow great leaders because they respect them, not because they have power.”   Ken Blanchard- pg. 67 This passage of Scripture is so powerful.   Jesus is paying respect to the Pharisees and saying listen to what they say.   However, Jesus says don’t do what they do because they don’t practice what they teach (vs. 2-3).    What a compliment and criticism of their lead...

Wednesday's Leadership Thought- who's kingdom am I building?

Feb. 12, 2020 The definition of leadership “a process of influence.   Anytime you seek to influence the thinking, behavior, or development of people toward accomplishing a goal in their personal or professional lives, you are taking the role of a leader. – Ken Blanchard pg.5 Matthew 6:10- Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth   as  it is  in Heaven. “Self-important leaders fill the air with I, my, and me statements.   They are highly sensitive to any criticism or any effort to wrench the spotlight and microphone from their hands .”   Ken Blanchard- pg. 48 When we are in leadership, people look to us to set the pace, the example, and have the “vision” for the company, organization, or church.   As church leaders, people elevate us to a higher pedestal.   They look to us for cues and fire criticism toward us.   When things are going well, we are quick to want the...

Tom's Wednesday Leadership Thought- Where is our leadership pointing? Feb. 5, 2020

Feb. 5, 2020 The definition of leadership “a process of influence.   Anytime you seek to influence the thinking, behavior, or development of people toward accomplishing a goal in their personal or professional lives, you are taking the role of a leader. – Ken Blanchard pg.5 John 3:30-   He (Jesus) must increase, I must decrease. As I reflect upon this definition of leadership, there is a tendency to try to point people to myself.   To try to make my name great, to make it all about me.    As I reflect upon John the Baptist who said this in the book of John, John was not looking to make his name bigger but the name and person of Jesus Christ. There are many examples today of top CEO’s and “leadership gurus” who have all the great leadership advice.   Some of it offers great insight and can help you with processes, steps, communication, and personal interaction.   However, whe...